The Kilowatt Hour

From Brilliant Trees through Died In The Wool...

The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Simonp on Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:17 am

Anyone excited?
Anyone interested?
Anyone care?

I do..I love all 3 artists and can't wait to hear what comes out of this project. I'm particularly excited about the possible live dates for the trio...bring it on!!
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby baht habit on Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:54 am

Simonp wrote:Anyone excited?
Anyone interested?
Anyone care?

I do..I love all 3 artists and can't wait to hear what comes out of this project. I'm particularly excited about the possible live dates for the trio...bring it on!!

But of course I am interested...and even more excited for Sylvian, who has been mentioning for years now just how much he would appreciate the opportunity to improvise within a live setting. Now it appears as though that opportunity has finally arrived and one cannot help but feel glad for him.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Chad on Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:40 pm

It seems to me thats all he's been doing for the last 8 years. He's just winging it with no real direction or thought. I do like Fennesz but what he brings limited in scope. David needs the beat of a drum to bring him back to earth.

My expectations for live improv are nil. Maybe a studio album would make more sense for this combo of vapor artists.

Like I said in another thread... maybe he can meet some new friends at Punkt. He sorely needs some new influences.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby baht habit on Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:08 pm

Chad wrote:It seems to me thats all he's been doing for the last 8 years. He's just winging it with no real direction or thought.

When Sylvian is creating his contributions to the music - those being mainly lyrics and melody - he is obviously not improvising, nor 'winging it'. As Sylvian has logically noted, he does not have the ability to simply improvise when it comes to words and vocal melody. He has utilized the work of many artists who do improvise in order to have a foundation that he can build his songs upon. It is a direction that greatly interests him, but he has often felt much like an outsider.
If this new project pans out to be similar to other instrumental EAI collaborations that have been presented throughout the years, then Sylvian will finally be an equal part of an improvising musical unit - where there exists such a great sense of community and overall musical Socialism. No member is the leader...they all work together to achieve the aim of communal spirit.
This music is surely not created for the listener who believes that the main goal of any artist should be to entertain the audience. This is not pop music, where the majority of fans are so self-involved to the degree that they have no true consideration at all for the musician they profess to be a fan of.
If the listener feels that their personal preferences and preconceptions should dictate what the artist is producing, then that listener is sorely out of place in regards to this style of music and that listener will most likely continue to be greatly alienated. If the listener requires a typically standard rhythm in order to tap their toe and bob their head, then they are definitely out of their element and should honestly consider moving on to other avenues.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby svendutchmountains on Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:33 pm

Chad wrote:It seems to me thats all he's been doing for the last 8 years. He's just winging it with no real direction or thought. I do like Fennesz but what he brings limited in scope. David needs the beat of a drum to bring him back to earth.

My expectations for live improv are nil. Maybe a studio album would make more sense for this combo of vapor artists.

Like I said in another thread... maybe he can meet some new friends at Punkt. He sorely needs some new influences.

One saving grace: at least we won't be seeing you at Punkt then!
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Simonp on Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:51 am

Chad wrote:It seems to me thats all he's been doing for the last 8 years. He's just winging it with no real direction or thought. I do like Fennesz but what he brings limited in scope. David needs the beat of a drum to bring him back to earth.

My expectations for live improv are nil. Maybe a studio album would make more sense for this combo of vapor artists.

Like I said in another thread... maybe he can meet some new friends at Punkt. He sorely needs some new influences.

I think he does have quite a clear direction in the artists/musicians he wants to work with? Fennesz is limited in scope - you could probably apply to that to any artist that Sylvian has worked with over the years...they are all specialists in their own areas of music.

I have no experience of live improv so can't comment on whether it will be good or not but I'm sure as with everything Sylvian produces it will be interesting, innovative and beautiful and unlike anything he has done previously.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby silentwings on Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:38 am

I fully accept people's right to disagree, but for me the Samadhi years have led to some great collaborators - Christian Fennesz, Derek Bailey, John Tilbury, Evan Parker, Arve Henriksen, Jan Bang, Erik Honore, Dai Fujikura, Stephan Mathieu... ..for me this has been a fascinating period in David's creative output.

I'm very much looking forward to hearing 'The Kilowatt Hour', the improvised live setting being something new for David, as a co-collaborator.

Can't wait to witness it at Punkt, and am hoping that this will develop into recorded output and more live dates...
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Chad on Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:23 pm

Anyone excited?
Anyone interested?
Anyone care?

Nobody cares about this shit any more Simon. And no I wont be traveling 3000 miles to see this gig... how freakin retarded would that be?

I'm afraid apathy just brings more apathy. kilowatt=apathy on roids
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Simonp on Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:59 pm

Chad wrote:Anyone excited?
Anyone interested?
Anyone care?

Nobody cares about this doodie ball any more Simon. And no I wont be traveling 3000 miles to see this gig... how freakin retarded would that be?

I'm afraid apathy just brings more apathy. kilowatt=apathy on roids

so why are you still here Chad...I don't understand why you still hang about with your groundhog day posting about how sh*t Sylvian is these days
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby inkinthewell on Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:43 pm

Mathieu + Fennesz on Wandermüde were great.
Fennesz + Sylvian on Venice/Blemish/Manafon were great.
I'm sure the result of Mathieu + Fennesz + Sylvian will be both exciting and interesting.
And, yes, I care about this collaboration, and am looking forward to seeing them in Turin.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby inkinthewell on Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:52 pm

Chad wrote:maybe he can meet some new friends at Punkt. He sorely needs some new influences.

David Sylvian has already made new friends through Punkt (Jan Bang and Erik Honoré to name a few). He was there in 2011, and appeared on the Crime Scenes cd from way back in 2006.
I don't think you would be too happy with the new influences he might pick up in Norway, Chad. :-D
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Chad on Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:22 pm

tigran hamasyan...

check this project out - ... 87116?l=nb

that would be a nice backdrop to a ds record
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby ob8 on Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:24 pm

I am very excited to hear what this next chapter will sound like and I am looking forward to the show in Pescara on the 21st.

David's journey is taking another step and I am happy to be along for the ride. Not sure where we are heading but I am so glad he is not standing still.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby hitch on Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:44 am

First review for PUNKT festival:
Da kommen sie, schlicht gekleidet, auf die Bühne des Lichtspieltheaters. Ein Deutscher, ein Österreicher, ein Engländer. Stephan Mathieu liebt alte Grammophone, Christian Fennesz das elektrische Gitarrenspiel von Neil Young, und David Sylvian die Gedichte von Emily Dickinson. Kein Pappenstiel, die folgenden 70 Minuten. Wer solch fein gesponnene Kammermusik aus dem Geiste von Ambient, Drone und Sample schätzt, oder Zeiten kennt, in denen man sich vom strengen Morton Feldman eine dunkelblaue Stunde verordnen lässt (um die Sinne zu schärfen), kommt dem kühlen Mr Sylvian und seiner “Kilowatt Hour” leichter auf die Spur. In gewissen Abständen betritt eine geisterhafte Stimme das Rund, die in einem verwitterten, betagten Amerikanisch allerlei Unheiteres erzählt, was wahlweise auf Krankheit, Sinnverlust, Drogen, oder letzte Anstrengungen schliessen lässt, ein Beckett’sches Endspiel läuft da vor unseren Ohren ab, der Resthumor wird vom letzten Licht verschluckt. Die Stimme erinnert mich an William Burroughs, diese staubtrockene Beharrlichkeit in einem Laurie Anderson-Song. Sharkey’s Night? (Wie ich am nächsten Morgen herausfand, stammen Stimme und Texte von Franz Wright. David Sylvian hat ihn besucht, und die Aufnahme geleitet.) Die Kilowattstunde mutiert zur Tranceinduktion, lieber läge ich lauschend auf einer Hängematte. Wo kommen die Klaviertöne her, die durchs Dunkel taumeln? Immerhin greift Fennesz manchmal zur Gitarre und verströmt einen dezenten Hauch aus der Ursuppe der Rockmusik. Mit seinem Set-up sorgt Stephan Mathieu für jene Weite, die jeder Beklommenheit, jeder Enge entgegen arbeitet. Überschwang geht natürlich gar nicht, die Stimme aus dem Off ist zwar merklich angeschlagen, duldet jedoch weder Zuspruch, noch milde Gaben. Das Höchste der Gefühle ist eine kurze flackernde Reminiszenz an ein altes Lied, aus Frank Sinatras Schallplatte “Only The Lonely”. – A dead bird is not a dead bird, wittert die Stimme mit den zahllosen Jahresringen, Einrissen und Erosionen. Im Hintergrund ist die Bildsprache beredt und raumgreifend im besten Sinn, die Ähren wiegen sich im Wind, und der tote Vogel zieht seine Kreise im Traum eines Anderen. Existenzieller Stoff. Dunkelspieltheater. Aus. Vorbei.
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Re: The Kilowatt Hour

Postby Chad on Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:11 am

google translated ~

Here they come , plainly dressed , on the stage of the movie theater . A German , an Austrian, an Englishman. Stephan Mathieu loves old gramophones , Christian Fennesz the electric guitar of Neil Young, and David Sylvian , the poems of Emily Dickinson. Nothing to sneeze at , the next 70 minutes. Those who appreciate such fine- spun chamber music in the spirit of Ambient, Drone and sample , or times knows where one can prescribe the strict Morton Feldman, a dark blue hour ( to sharpen the senses ) , is the cool Mr Sylvian and his " kilowatt Hour " easier to track . At certain intervals, a ghostly voice enters the round , the kinds Unheiteres told in a weathered , aged American, which can optionally close to illness , loss of meaning , drugs, or last effort , one of Beckett's playoff run since before our ears , the rest of Humor is swallowed by the last light . The voice reminds me of William Burroughs, this bone dry perseverance in a Laurie Anderson song. Sharkey 's Night ? ( As I found out the next morning , come vote and texts by Franz Wright. Sylvian has visited him and guided the recording.) The kilowatt hour mutated to trance induction , I would prefer listening to a hammock. Where the piano sounds come from, the stagger through the dark ? After all, Fennesz uses sometimes the guitar and gives off a subtle hint from the primordial soup of rock music. His set -up Stephan Mathieu ensures that width that works against any uneasiness , any tightness. Exuberance is of course not , the voiceover is appreciable struck, however, does not tolerate encouragement , nor alms . The ultimate expression of feelings is a brief flickering reminiscence of an old song from Frank Sinatra record " Only The Lonely " . - A dead bird is not a dead bird , senses the voice with the countless years of struggle , tears and erosions . In the background, the visual language is eloquent and expansively in the best sense , the ears of corn swaying in the wind, and the dead bird will orbit in someone else's dream . Existential fabric. Dark movie theater . From . Gone .
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