What's happening with Mick?

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What's happening with Mick?

Postby Slope on Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:55 pm

Does anyone know if Mick has any new projects on the horizon?

I was very disappointed that his last tour was cancelled, seemingly due to lack of ticket sales - and now his forum has gone from Mickkarn.net.

IMHO, I think it's nothing short of a crime that a huge, huge talent like Mick has a problem finding sufficient support for a tour of even small venues. Mick is eyewateringly talented, as we all know. I'd love to see him make a comeback.

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Postby inkinthewell on Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:35 am

One of the last things posted from the Admin on MK's forum before it shut down (it was on a thread about Selected) was that he is working at a new CD, but fans had to be patient because it will take some time to finish.
So, something is going on.

I'm pi$$ed off about the forum 'cause there was quite a lot going on on it information-wise: Mick, together with Rich, has recorded some tracks with a group called Fijeri (Stefano Panunzi, Nicola Lori and others). The mixing was in process, but then I've heard no other news about this. He is also supposed to be involved in Panunzi and Lori's new project. But again, no more news.

And it really is unbelievable that he should have problems selling tickets for a tour, when the internet is full of people saying how good he is and how he (and the rest of Japan) changed their musical life. Bizarre, to say the least.
I've been thinking lately that it might be a good idea if he did something like the conventions Marillion and Bill Nelson do. If he called all his music-friends to Cyprus for a whole week-end or more dedicated to his music, I bet the fans would storm in like migrating birds.
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Postby Astronaut on Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:28 pm

I've been thinking lately that it might be a good idea if he did something like the conventions Marillion and Bill Nelson do. If he called all his music-friends to Cyprus for a whole week-end or more dedicated to his music, I bet the fans would storm in like migrating birds.

Absolutely 100% agree with that Inkinthewell! As you so rightly said, how can an artist/musician of Micks' status, talent and experience NOT get the financial support for a tour? There's a guaranteed international audience out here. You've only got to read forums like this one to see how well loved and respected he is, and, he's been a huge influence on so many people. It just makes me want to cry that this wonderful man has been treated this way. :smt010
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Postby sonic_chronicler on Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:48 pm

Much as I like Mick, I think you are overestimating his fanbase.

His albums have never really sold in any great numbers and IMHO most of any following he may have had from his Japan legacy is long gone.

The UK tour last year wasn't going to be large venues, the Newcastle venue holds a maximum of less than 400 people. I think someone like Mick has to be realistic and (for the UK at least) either really downsize the venues even further or do one London show. I just don't think anything else is financially viable.

I don't want to come across as negative, but I remember similar calls for Sylvian to play the US. These guys have a small but loyal following, they don't really sell a huge amount of records, but casual purchasers are hard to come by for their type of work. It's probably for this reason that Steve Jansen has released the download only installation music - it makes it viable whereas a CD would lose money.

We all know they make great music, but a handful of us obsessives (mostly visiting a variety of forums) doesn't constitute the internet being full of people saying how good they are.

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Postby Astronaut on Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:19 pm

Much as I like Mick, I think you are overestimating his fanbase. We all know they make great music, but a handful of us obsessives (mostly visiting a variety of forums) doesn't constitute the internet being full of people saying how good they are.
OK, point taken Sonic! ;-)
The UK tour last year wasn't going to be large venues, the Newcastle venue holds a maximum of less than 400 people. I think someone like Mick has to be realistic and (for the UK at least) either really downsize the venues even further or do one London show. I just don't think anything else is financially viable.
This would make sense. Somewhere like the Cambridge Junction for example would be fabulous (and not just coz I happen to be living here at the mo!) I saw Patti Smith there in October and she's a living legend IMHO, so if it's feasible for someone like Patti ... ?
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Postby Lady Arcadia on Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:58 pm

Good points sonic_chronicler, you were definitely not being negative. I like to think of it as being honest. David or Mick, and come to think of it even Japan in the height, wouldn't sell out Wembly Stadium or Madison Square Gardens.

Their music is wonderful, and people would benefit from it, (if they discovered it!), but the numbers just don't add up.
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Postby anortherncod on Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:22 am

I think the venue mooted for the Manchester date was the Roadhouse - a great place for an intimate gig, pretty tiny. But like Sonic says we may have to resign ourselves to MK settling for London dates only. DS has more 'pulling power' for gigs still.

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