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What's on your turntable?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:16 am
by kinki
OK, what song (Japan, Sylvian, or any of the others) is never off your turntable (in your brain) at the moment? He he he..

I cant get 'Angel's got a Lotus' from Mick's album 'Each Eye a Path' outta my mind at the moment - it has grabbed me and wont let go. The bassline (what else?)....unbelievable. It has a hypnotic quality that sends me into an almost trance-like state. Sorry if that sounds like Im disappearing up my own butt - but it's TRUE!!

Re: What's on your turntable?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:03 am
by godisinthesilences
kinki wrote:Sorry if that sounds like Im disappearing up my own butt - but it's TRUE!!

Ok now that is funnay!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:07 am
by kinki
Im just aware that when you talk about these guys' music you can sound like you're disappearing in a cloud of pretentious bollocks - one doesnt mean to - but you find yourself going into such raptures about whatever song/album/effect/bassline that...'yeah I really like Swing, it's such a nice song' just isnt enough...hehe.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:10 am
by godisinthesilences
lol come to think of it swing is a song i sing to myself quite often.... "relax and swing"..... oh god... now thinking of how hot david looks in video... Lust is entering my mind... i'm going to be covered in deep red lipstick very shortly!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:13 am
by kinki
godisinthesilences wrote:lol come to think of it swing is a song i sing to myself quite often.... "relax and swing"..... oh god... now thinking of how hot david looks in video... Lust is entering my mind... i'm going to be covered in deep red lipstick very shortly!!!!!!

Oh I know what you mean - that has to be one of the most sexy videos (and songs) they ever did.

Lust for these guys is never NOT in my mind. Sometimes I even fancy Rob (but not very often) :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:15 am
by godisinthesilences
david is my one and only (except i did have a dream with steve in it... random!!!)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:28 am
by kinki
I think I fancy Mick more than David (but only just) but would definitely not say no to a side-order of Jansen every now and again.

Oh dear - just lock me up now.

We always START talking about the music but END up talking about how hot they all are....HAHAHAHAHA! There is no hope for us. :D

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:02 am
by Poisoned_Apathy
mmmm Yeah...Swing is a song I use to have in my head. But lately I can't get out Methods of dance and The art of parties out of my head... I guess it's because I've been shut in home and the library for so many weeks during exams that I need a party!!! :lol: [Fortunately it'll finish this next Wednesday ]

GTP is another song that come to my mind very often...above all the synths at the very begining...I love how it starts.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:05 am
by krausy
Yeah, you gals are pretty pathetic-------look who's talkin' huh? "Swing " is ONLY my favorite song---love the video, love the live version, listen to it all the time, at the end of the song turn the volume waaaay up so I can hear him go deep with "relax and swing" and feel my toes curl, butterflies in my tummy and a stupid grin on my face that AJAX won't take off!!!! :-D

Yep. Pretty pathetic.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:28 am
by godisinthesilences
ok your not pathetic... i do the same damn thing during Arpana and Nimisha when he says "come inside"..... gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr that gets me every damn time!!!!!

You know before i do a shoot i love listening to the song GTP! Gets me all jazzed to take pics!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:45 am
by krausy
GTP---yeah I can see that, gods. That would be in my head too.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:08 pm
by Silver Moon
Dude... Swing has the grooviest bass line ever! I tried to learn it the other day- just for fun, And It sounds like a dying cat being kicked off a bridge.... Yes, that bad. Also David Sylvian is just so incredibly sexy in that video... And Mr. Karn, and Mr. Jansen... He always looks so mischevious. And Mr. Barbieri in his cute little purple sweater vest! I just love him to death! DS's teeth are just so perfect and white... YUM.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:15 pm
by lastgoldstar
Silver Moon wrote:DS's teeth are just so perfect and white... YUM.

David has such an immaculate pair of choppers! :wink: I always find myself looking at his teeth during the videos and wishing mine looked like his, ha ha!

I don't think it's possible NOT to like Swing! It's so wonderfully sultry and slinky and I've even gotten a few converts on that song. The Oil on Canvas video of Swing is sublime. :-D David's voice, mmm mmm good.

I'm with Posioned on the Methods of Dance and The Art of Parties thing. Methods of Dance is definitely one of my favourite songs ever and I never get tired of it. And I love the single version of TAOP, I wish that version of the song was on Tin Drum. I'm getting a bit fangirly here, but David is so hot in the Oil on Canvas video for Methods of Dance! There's this one part, I'm pretty sure it's during the second time through the chorus, where he looks down at the camera with this intense stare and, boy, is it shexay... OK, I'm stopping. :-D

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:15 pm
by krausy

okay, i'm done shouting----just wanted to make sure you heard me!!!!

I agree about the teeth---was watching "Swing" this afternoon, and thought, "a mouthful of teeth that man has!!!" mouthful of perfect teeth---I don't care if he does have cavities filled, I can't see them---all I see is gleam!!!!!!!

Yes, Rich's sweater is tooo adorable!!!! I used to have a LeTigre polo shirt a long time ago, probably the same year!!!!

They be definitely oozing some sex on that one fer sure!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:40 am
by kinki
krausy wrote:I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! YOU SEE ALL THE SAME CRAP I DO!!!!!

I was just about to say something along those lines. :D

Yes I agree about Methods of Dance and the Art of Parties - they get stuck on a loop in your brain and it is darned hard to get them out. (As if you'd want to anyway - it's better than having the Crazy Frog ringtone stuck in your brain like it was in mine a few months ago - AAAARRRRGGHHH)

What album is the 'Come Inside' thing on? It sounds extremely sexy!!! :oops: