Favourite David look?

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Which david look do you prefer?

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Postby godisinthesilences on Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:00 am

Oh most definately eating in ;-)
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Postby kinki on Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:55 pm

Actually I've been noticing more how yummy Rich actually is - especially when he smiles....which isnt often enough...
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Postby Silver Moon on Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:01 pm

Kinki- I agree! Too many people underestimate the sexiness that is Mr. Barbieri!!

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Postby kinki on Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:20 pm

That's because he

a/ hides behind too much hair and then

b/ hides behind too many keyboards.... :wink:


In other news...

OK this is going to sound REALLY off the scale weird, but is something that has been bubbling away at the back of my mind for ages now.

Bear with my train of thought here...

I sometimes find it hard to see the 'Japan' David as the same person as the 'Post-Japan' David. Maybe it has something to do with his uber-polished made-up image during the Japan years compared to the relatively toned-down look of his later years but, I dont know, it's difficult to describe without it coming across as a highly strange statement, but sometimes I really do see them as two different people.

OK lock me up now. :wink:
Last edited by kinki on Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Silver Moon on Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:39 pm

I totally understand you, Kinki. They do seem like 2 totaly different people at times... But they do have a few things in common... Beautiful voice, musical genius, and... Stunning good looks ;-)

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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:23 pm

Silver Moon wrote:I totally understand you, Kinki. They do seem like 2 totaly different people at times... But they do have a few things in common... Beautiful voice, musical genius, and... Stunning good looks ;-)


Totally agree. Not only because of his look, which can be the most noticiable thing, but also because his music changed a lot after Japan.


And yes, Rich is great!!! :P
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Postby kinki on Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:13 am

Oh good, I thought I was way off the weird scale with that idea - I think it's because he changed SO much and SO suddenly - from the world famous pinup pop star to the more reclusive and understated person that he is now, producing, like you say, TOTALLY different music, that its sometimes difficult to see him as the glossy frontman he once was...
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Postby krausy on Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:18 am

I understand what you are saying Kinki. I guess the simple way to put it is he is evolving just like all of us, growing up and changing. I think deep down he is the same as he was then, but just older, wiser, sophisticated, knows a little better what he really wants, has figured out how to get it, and has earned respect in his maturity. He is a person who does not dwell in the past, but I believe he has greatly benefitted from his past.

..............and I STILL think he is devastatingly handsome and looks great at 48!!!! humina humina.............
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Postby Silver Moon on Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:28 am

Agreed, Krausy!!! Highly agreed!!

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Postby kinki on Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:55 am

krausy wrote:I understand what you are saying Kinki. I guess the simple way to put it is he is evolving just like all of us, growing up and changing. I think deep down he is the same as he was then, but just older, wiser, sophisticated, knows a little better what he really wants, has figured out how to get it, and has earned respect in his maturity. He is a person who does not dwell in the past, but I believe he has greatly benefitted from his past.

..............and I STILL think he is devastatingly handsome and looks great at 48!!!! humina humina.............

Well put Anne. I was reading some more of 'The Last Romantic' last night and finding out just how much he hated being a pop star adored by screaming girls. It was obvious the real David Sylvian, the real musician and creator, was always waiting in the wings, he just had a false start, maybe. It's like Japan was just him 'warming up' if you will....I dunno?
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Postby godisinthesilences on Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:53 am

Kinky I couldn't agree more with your last sentence. I think Japan was a growth for him... he just needed to be open to being who he was on the inside and letting it out. Instead of putting on his mask, which he says he did most of the time in japan, especially live.
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Postby krausy on Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:20 pm

Well, he also knew the screaming girls thing would not last and/or get him the respect and the "take me seriously" that he craved. Time has proven that the teen idol thing never lasts or gets one taken seriously for years or decades after, if ever. Look at some of the past idols still struggling to shake the reputation.

I like to use the David Cassidy/Shaun Cassidy example for this subject. David back in the day didn't want to be singing the type of material the big money men (or the little girls) wanted him to sing----he was impressed by the rock artists at the time----Led Zep, etc and just finally said "enough" but has fought his image up to this day. Shaun, his half brother handled it a little better, he milked the teen idol thing for what it was worth, knowing it would not last, and then moved on to what he really wanted to do----produce and direct Television/movies, which is what he is now doing. You can bet he still gets ribbed for the Hardy Boys and "Da Doo Ron Ron" lol!!!
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Postby godisinthesilences on Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:35 am

:-( I loved the Hardy Boys... and Shaun Cassidy. It was the first record I every owned all by myself. I used to play it over and over and over again. LOL Of course my friend never let me "have" Shaun so I was allowed to have Parker. And, when it came to star wars I wasn't allowed to "have" mark hamill... although harrison ford isn't a bad replacement. Thank god I never thought John Taylor was the hottest member of dd or i wouldn't have been able to "have" him either. HA HA HA HA... oh the things you remember from childhood!
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Postby Silver Moon on Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:48 am

godisinthesilences wrote::-( I loved the Hardy Boys... and Shaun Cassidy. It was the first record I every owned all by myself. I used to play it over and over and over again. LOL Of course my friend never let me "have" Shaun so I was allowed to have Parker. And, when it came to star wars I wasn't allowed to "have" mark hamill... although harrison ford isn't a bad replacement. Thank god I never thought John Taylor was the hottest member of dd or i wouldn't have been able to "have" him either. HA HA HA HA... oh the things you remember from childhood!

HAHA I know what you mean! When my friends and I used to play "Spice girls" Or "Titanic" There was this one girl that would NEVER let anyone else be Baby Spice, or Rose... But it was ok, I loved being Posh Spice!

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Postby godisinthesilences on Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:11 pm

HA HA... so happy to know others did the whole make believe pretending thing. We also used to play Wonder Woman... mostly cause I liked spinning around!
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