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Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:33 am
by TongueStitcher
Hi fellow Sylvianistas,

Here's my problem; my friends are shallow dullards who insist on listening to the most dire of paptastic pop. I've tried countless times to indoctrinate them in the ways of the Karn and the Sylvian to no avail, they accuse me of pretentiousness and walk away muttering about emperor's new clothes.

What can I do to stitch the proof of understanding upon the heathens?

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:21 pm
by inkinthewell
TongueStitcher wrote:What can I do to stitch the proof of understanding upon the heathens?

Use a good needle: i.e. play them, "by chance", better if in a mix of LadyGaga Black Eyed Peas poo, the most listenable/danceable tunes by our heroes.

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:20 pm
by missouriman
Today on my Facebook page I posted "Wave" the instrumental version. A distant friend who had never heard Sylvian ever before commented that she was in a real emotional hole and she gave it a listen. It elevated her mood totally. I know her and I know that she likes pop way more conventional than anything our guys make. So it does work. You just have to not make out that it's going to be some spiritual revelation. Music can alter our moods. Today I believe it did.

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:35 am
by Rain
If your friends are patient enough, keep sending them videos, maybe mix in songs that they think are even worse, and you eventually come across something that is near enough to their tastes.
If they're not patient they probably won't talk to you ever again though, at least online. :D

It's a bit too desperate for me though, in the end I decided if it wasn't entirely their thing, then, what can I do? I'd rather them actually like it than put up with it the same way I do with their tastes.

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:06 am
by Snowborne
What about playing Sylvian songs in the car? That's how I convert my family into both Sylvian and Porcupine Tree.
To listen to Before the Bullfight while driving a late night is just beautiful...

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:26 am
by Adrian
I am of the 'why bother' persuasion. For me Sylvian, even his recent output, is quite mainstream(-ish). So when my sister-in-law tells me she likes jazz and then plays me the latest Michael Bubble (:-)) or Katie -count y'r bikes- Malua I am not inclined to think we will ever even get close to a middle ground. I just continue on my way, discovering and enjoying great music...

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:59 am
by Astronaut
You have two choices as I see it:

1. Tie your friends to a chair and tape earphones to their heads with heavy duty tape then play them Manafon & The Concrete Twin repeatedly until their ears bleed or they declare undying devotion to our heroes.

-OR -

2. Get some new friends. Of course if you decide on option 1, then option 2 will be inevitable so you may as well just go for option 2. Saves time and tape!

ta ta!


Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:55 pm
by SylvianDarling
I managed to bring my friend over to the Japan side of life. She only likes their 70s stuff though which is a shame and she loves David with long hair :mrgreen: Have I completed my job properly? :?: :?:

Re: Converting the unbelievers

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:33 pm
by ScottR
Trying to convert anyone by playing them "man-a-blemish" era stuff will no doubt fail. Face it...its the dregs. Start with Nine Horses and Slope and move backwards. Everything and Nothing would be good listen too.