by Darkest Dreamer on Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:58 am
I should have done spell check (is there one built in here?) and I meant to post this topic in the misc. Anyway, I don't know what gave me the impression it was Ingrid. I mean it could have been the other way around. Maybe because of the whole Damage CD where he was talking about all the hurt and anger.
Come to think of it though, my last marriage to a man who turned out to be gay, he was very hurt and angry also. Actually, due to being so attracted to David when I was a teenager caused me to be attracted to effeminite men. Subsequently I dated four guys and married another who all turned out to be gay. I am not blaming David for my bad choices (and I have nothing against anyone gay and feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay), I think it was just an unfortunate 80's trend. As we all know, lots of male band members were wearing make-up.
I have to say, controversial though this statement is, I have always wondered a little about David. Please don't misunderstand me I love David either way and really don't care. But this website is for discussing David/Japan and it is something I have been thinking about.
"I don't want to be alone with all my darkest dreaming..."