Dali's Car II

All things related to the late, great, lamented Mick Karn

Dali's Car II

Postby pradakid900 on Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:40 pm

Just a few thoughts on this: Whilst utterly awful to have given up Mick to the next life, what a wonderful thing he did in making these recordings. Has anyone heard from Murphy on this?

I remember when the first Dali's Car was released when Pete had a huge segment on 120 minutes on MTV. The show was broadcast in black and white, and Pete, while oh so pale, was clad in a white suit. He was interviewed by a demure, dark complected Julie Brown who was wearing black. They played the vid to Judgement, among others. Despite what others thought, I Ioved the song, the video and album immediately. It just had an exotic and strange yet so beguiling sound that I had never heard before, esp that clarinet yarning by Mick. Strangely, in my family home was hung an awfully reproduced image of the painting used on the cover done by Maxfield Parrish; it was so interesting to see it in connection with that certain collaboration.

Can't wait to hear this. What about the release - an ep? Or attached to the remastered original?
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