Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

From Brilliant Trees through Died In The Wool...

Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby baht habit on Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:19 am

ScottR wrote:I dunno baht, 9H was 2005 right? The Dai manafon project is slated for late 2011 if I understand correctly. If you want to count the Sleepwalker compilation that would be a bit liberal I think. But then again so would counting illegal downloads as a growing fan base ;) nice try though. With fans like that who needs enemies.

Yes, Snow Borne Sorrow was released in 2005 - and, much like Manafon, that album also took a good amount of time to finally come to fruition - 4 years between the first sessions and the official release of the finished product. And as was also the case with Manafon, there were numerous starts, pauses and complete stops in the work. Sylvian is quite adept at multitasking and adjusting his attention towards other projects....and think about it -- he even started up his very own independent label during that interim.

The upcoming project with Dai Fujikura will include both new material and reinterpretations of a few songs which appeared on Manafon. I think that most of the members here will recognize that such a release fits in quite naturally with the pattern which Sylvian has been following since the inception of Samadhi Sound. He followed Blemish (2003) with commissioned remixes on Good Son vs Only Daughter (2005). Then Snow Borne Sorrow (2005) was followed up by the Money For All EP (2007), which included the two new songs and remixes of various tracks from SBS. Now this forthcoming project (2011) is basically the companion to Manafon (2009).

And no matter what are anyone's personal feeling towards the content of Sleepwalkers, what I was trying to explain is that specific release is another example -- in addition to those other releases mentioned --- that proves how Sylvian has obviously refocused his attention and devoted his time elsewhere.

By the way, just because a person downloads musical content provided to them by another source surely doesn't preclude them from using their ears, making a judgement that what they are hearing is something which appeals to their musical taste, and then in effect becoming what we usually tend to consider as a member of a 'fan base'.
But for the sake of accuracy, please take note that I did not describe these people as 'fans'...I described them as a 'portion of listeners' who Sylvian has gained because he has decided to drift into these unchartered musical territories. I was simply pointing out that these people are yet another portion of those who are listening to these left of center releases, and in turn giving positive feedback.
So metaphorically: if Sylvian is out there in the forest pushing down trees, others are hearing the reverberating sounds of impact.
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby ScottR on Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:23 am

I think the download thing is a symptom of the bigger problem. People have grown impatient with the musical direction and aren't willing to put the money down anymore. Blemish was the tipoff to those paying attention.

I know baht you appear to have a great knowledge of specifics and all but usually companion singles such as money are written and created at the time of the lps. I consider them to be apart of the parent project even though it was released a little over a year later. As far as the manafon-redux its still to be determined on content but my guess is it wont stray too far. I have a feeling though that it will be much better than the original, just as the commissioned blemish remixes were. Still a very dismal showing over the last 5 years ...9 fresh tracks in 5 years. Its sad when you think about it. Thats why when I hear things like "negotiating common ground for 18 months" it makes me cringe.
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Adrian on Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:00 pm

but compared to Scott Walker or The Blue Nile David is actually prolific. I still want quality not quantity. If that quality comes fast and quick than good - if it takes longer that's also good...
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby baht habit on Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:14 pm

ScottR wrote:I think the download thing is a symptom of the bigger problem. People have grown impatient with the musical direction and aren't willing to put the money down anymore. Blemish was the tipoff to those paying attention.

I know baht you appear to have a great knowledge of specifics and all but usually companion singles such as money are written and created at the time of the lps. I consider them to be apart of the parent project even though it was released a little over a year later. As far as the manafon-redux its still to be determined on content but my guess is it wont stray too far. I have a feeling though that it will be much better than the original, just as the commissioned blemish remixes were. Still a very dismal showing over the last 5 years ...9 fresh tracks in 5 years. Its sad when you think about it. Thats why when I hear things like "negotiating common ground for 18 months" it makes me cringe.

Scott, I see that you are quite determined at keeping your very own set of facts limited to the only segment of listeners which you wish to acknowledge --- those only like you who are disgruntled with Sylvian's choices of musical direction. Some people are undoubtedly disturbed by the direction, but you seem to either be missing the gist of what I was trying to express or choosing to ignore the points I am making.
As I check the net and find various boards and blogs, what I have learned time and time again is that through this illicit sharing of downloads, people who would never have had any knowledge whatsoever of Sylvian's prior work are being exposed to these experimental ventures and their subsequent comments show that they are intrigued enough to check out more of the work. I suppose that you would undoubtedly choose to believe otherwise, since your comments have continually shown that you regard your personally formed opinions much higher than the opinions of others and you seem to feel that everyone should hold the same musical preferences as you, but I have seen an abundance of examples which tend to prove that positive feedback has been fairly prevalent since Sylvian has made this musical shift towards utilizing a unique improvisational approach.

In the case of Money For All, that song was not recorded during those sessions which resulted in SBS. It was originally stated on the Samadhi Sound website announcement for the release of the EP that Burnt Friedman had sent a file of the music he created to Sylvian in the middle of 2006. Around that very same time, Jansen had been continuously working on a vast amount of material that could have wound up on his solo album. And so then he and Sylvian had decided to pluck the idea which became Get The H*ll Out from that and create another Nine Horses track in order that Jansen's input could be equally represented on the EP.
The two tracks which were actually recorded during the sessions for SBS and then released a bit later following the NH release were When Monday Comes Around and Birds Sing For Their Lives.
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby opiate on Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:06 pm

The debate with illegal downloads is a reaction to the record industry's poor and jurassic period of selling and distributing music. Record companies have been in control of artists and consumers for a large part of the last century and their failure (and greed) to acknowledge progress in line with technology has been thier folly. Hurrah! They have been forced to find innovative channels in which to sell to consumers while protecting product AND making sure Artists profit (many Artists just bypass and do it themselves online direct to thier fans).

I agree with ScottR, in part, that Sylvians' musical direction almost certainly turned off a percentage of his 'core' following. Whether this was something he sat down and thought about (potential career suicide) or more likely it was something he just had to do and to h*ll with it if it didn't even shift one copy. Blemish was not a career move, it was a massive lifechanging shift in a person that drove something creatively to testament to that time and place. I think it's safe to say that this was a honest, heart-wrenching, brutal statement from a person in immense pain and consequently (not disimilar to great works of art in that respect) became a critical success.

The continuation of that was the result of Manafon. I think there lies the danger of changing the 'core' following. They are not going to be same consumer who bought and enjoyed his work in the 80's or 90's, it is an entirely different genre. So a new 'core' base is going to be established in its place and in this transition is where you hear folks moaning and complaining. Likewise, attracting new listeners will garner favourable noises in other places. Hard core fans will likely stay through this shift (forgiving that Blemish IS a Divorce album) and has possibly opened up new listening experiences with Manafon. I think most are discerning enough to prefer quality over quantity no matter how long it takes.

I think he has been very productive compared to the previous 10 years before. You say his work of late has been inconsistent and spotty at best. When has he ever been consistent? If Sylvians' tree falls in the wood, I think I can safely bet its loud enough to be heard the other side of the world. I'm now resisting the obvious to make jokes concerning Dave, wood and his chopper ;)
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Adrian on Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:51 am

Can I just add that I have been with him since end of the 80s - Sylvian is one of my musical favourites, and a lot of the musicians on Manafon (and in that musical 'genre' if you will) are what I love listening to; so Manafon was a complete dream come true for me. Also, I find it hard to listen to his older stuff, except perhaps The First Day and the instrumental works...
Now, Five Lines on the other hand is taking its time with me - I am very interested to hear where David will go next, and if it takes him a couple of years that's fine with me (within weeks we've gone from 'beginning of 2011 to late 2011, so...)
I thought Nine Horses was a step back after Blemish, but I enjoy that output as well, albeit for different reasons (just great pop which just happens to feature David).
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby baht habit on Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:25 am

Adrian wrote:Now, Five Lines on the other hand is taking its time with me - I am very interested to hear where David will go next, and if it takes him a couple of years that's fine with me (within weeks we've gone from 'beginning of 2011 to late 2011, so...)

Adrian, I believe that this collaborative effort with Fujikura is still due to be released in early 2011....Sylvian remarked that it was expected to be issued at some point during the first quarter of the upcoming year. As best we know, no official statements of any sort have contradicted that plan as of yet.
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Serotonin on Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:00 pm

baht habit wrote:
Adrian, I believe that this collaborative effort with Fujikura is still due to be released in early 2011....Sylvian remarked that it was expected to be issued at some point during the first quarter of the upcoming year. As best we know, no official statements of any sort have contradicted that plan as of yet.

baht, if nothing interferes with those plans, this project should definitely go ahead as you state. I had the immense pleasure to meet and talk (very) briefly to Dai at Kings Place at the beginning of this month and he confirmed that the new album should come out soon in the New Year :D

... and thanks very much banyan for the interview link. It's always such a treat to listen to David's speaking voice... and to hear his music on the radio!
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Adrian on Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:33 am

lots to look forward to in the beginning of the new year then... Three releases on Tonefloat already on my list. David's new disc and maybe some other(s) on Samadhi. Probably loads of releases on Runegrammofon, AND if it works out for Jon a 3cd of Keith Rowe and Radu Malfatti on Erstwhile...
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby ScottR on Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:54 pm

ah yeah ... a real "kick-a*s" year I'd say.

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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Adrian on Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:30 am

don't worry Scott - there's probably a new Lady Gaga album as well... :wink:
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Stephenf on Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:56 pm

Lets all be a bit honest here, ScottR does have a valid point. Though his delivery at times might seem somewhat harsh the fact that he is willing to explain his views as to his frustrations is refreshingly insightful and honest. He is not looking for a Japan or 80's Sylvian retake but rather a more melodic curve to the output of the more recent releases.
As a fan and i state "HE IS A FAN" hence the amount of correspondence and time he takes to air his views is to be acknowledged and admired.
Though i may not agree with his sentiments i thoroughly respect his views. If the intellectual highbrow is to be taken regarding his sincerity then i too take offense and not because of what he thinks but because of what he is entitled to say.

I adore 'Manafon' but thoroughly respect that Scott does not!

Do i want a more melodic Sylvian? Yes why not! I think that the balance these days is far harder to achieve given the waters that he has delved into but i have no doubt that the future will bring many more surprises so ScottR keep the faith friend.

And Adrian the 'Lady Gaga' jibe was cheap but nonetheless funny :lol:
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby Adrian on Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:18 am

well, I found ScottR's comment on my post sour and uncalled for and wanted to sweeten the thread a bit...
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby ScottR on Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:23 pm

Sorry Adrian ... I guess it was a inside joke. If you dig hard enough on this forum you will know where it came from. Oh and btw ... whats wrong with lady gaga? ;)
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Re: Just Off The Radar - Radio interview

Postby baht habit on Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:57 pm

Serotonin wrote:
baht, if nothing interferes with those plans, this project should definitely go ahead as you state. I had the immense pleasure to meet and talk (very) briefly to Dai at Kings Place at the beginning of this month and he confirmed that the new album should come out soon in the New Year :D

Wow, Serotonin, that must have been interesting to actually meet up with Fujikura. Did you attend the Super-Collider event?
And kudos to you for having the foresight to ask the most pertinent of questions. :-)
I guess we should be realistically hoping for a release date at some point in March or April, wouldn't you think? As best we know, Sylvian just recently finished up the lyrics, melodies and vocal track for the final original song which Fujikura sent him to work on...and so all of the consultation between the two regarding the new material is complete. Now it seems as though Sylvian has commissioned one more remix/reinterpretation and maybe even went so far as to request that Fujikura utilize a larger ensemble than just the string quartet he has been working with for the project. That might take up a good deal of time to coordinate the logistics.
After all the mixing, mastering and packaging, a release date in March or April shouldn't be impossible....

Fingers crossed. ??? :?
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