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Postby Silver Moon on Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:38 pm

Hey all,

I am currently on the Atkins diet and I was just wondering if anyone else here has been on it. You basically just eat meat meat meat until you can't eat meat any more and then you eat some more meat. Oh yes, there is some cheese and salad thrown in too...

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Postby krausy on Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:44 pm

I've had some coworkers try that diet, and had great success, but like with any diet, it is a lifestyle change, and if you are willing to do that all the time for the rest of your life, then it comes off and stays off. I think I would miss too many things that I love doing that diet. I have to hand it to ya, you got balls girl!!!!!!!

I'll tell ya what worked for me last winter to get in my size 8 jeans----salads for dinner, running about 4 miles a day and a two day bout of intestinal flu---lol!!! Nah, seriously, everyone has their own way that works for them---I like to exercise in some way several times a week, and just eat good food and try my best to stay away from all the fast food and processed food.

Another thing that helps is cut the sugar where you can. I drink diet soda, use Splenda, and find "alternatives" There are some really good sugar free cookies and candies on the market now that taste as close to sugared items as they can possibly be, without the aftertaste and most importantly without the sugar!!!

Heck, I'm no authority on this,or much of anything else, but I just know what works for me. I just like to investigate new ways and new foods that make better sense, that's all.
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Postby Silver Moon on Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:46 am

Oh yeah, Splenda is a must on this diet. Aspartame and Nutrasweet actually slow down weight loss. Caffeine slows it down too BIG TIME! And I would go through a half to a whole case of caffenated diet coke a day! I went cold turkey though last week and I was in withdrawel from carbs, sugar and caffeine for 4 days! (Remember that last week everyone had a crappy week... lol) But then I felt a sudden burst of energy and I have started going to the Y again. I can't run 4 miles a day yet, but I can walk 2, 3 tops. I can bike 4 or 5, and I am doing a lot more weight lifting... Kills my muscles though!! I get sugar cravings from time to time, sometimes I get them BAD! But the closest thing I can have to sugar is a diet soda. But I'm glad because I think I was starting to get pre-diabetes based on my symptoms... Glad I am nipping it in the bud!!


PS: Size 8- YOU GO GIRL!!
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Postby kinki on Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:40 am

I eat a high protein, low carb strict vegetarian diet, basically has the same effect as the full atkins thingy - I've been doing it for a year now and my body has completely changed. Its a lot leaner...
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Postby godisinthesilences on Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:27 am

I suffer from Insulin Resistance (not diabetes) so I'm supposed to not eat any sugar, white flour, white rice and potatos without the skin. When I first started this i lost 42 lbs pretty darn fast... like in 2 1/2 months. Then I somehow fell off the wagon... dang if i didn't put the weight back on again. Now, I'm finding it harder to give up the stuff I need to.
I'm not a big meat eater... i tend to go the vegetarian route. I can tell you one thing when you take out sugar and white stuff you feel so much better so quickly it is very amazing. I felt so clear and concise in my thinking and I had tons of energy all the time.
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Postby Silver Moon on Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:56 am

Yeah, I know what you mean, Gods- I'm not a big fan of meat either- Since I tried this diet before a year ago and totally burned myself out on it. Now I'm starting to like it again. But I just can't believe all of the people, especially teenagers who can go to McDonalds everyday, and Dairy Queen every night and not feel horrible after. At school they don't serve anything for my diet either. No salads, but just greasy Tacos, chips, candy, no diet soda- just regular, ice cream, cookies- That's all anyone ever eats!

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Postby godisinthesilences on Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:34 pm

gee and we wonder why america's youth is so fat!!!!

We were never offered too much terrible food for lunch at school when i was in high school. Of course it wasn't terribly good for you either. LOL....

we should start a diet club. I know i feel tons better when i eat healthy and exercise daily
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Postby Silver Moon on Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:16 pm

Yeah, a diet club... Sounds cool.

Every morning I used to wake up with a burning migrane that started at the top of my head, and worked its way down into my sinuses, nose, and to the roof of my mouth. It hurt so bad, but since I have been dieting it has gone away!

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Postby godisinthesilences on Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:15 pm

hey kera... did you reduce the amount of dairy you eat? Dairy is a known migrain trigger, plus it affects the sinuses in a negative way.
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Postby Silver Moon on Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:29 pm

Yes definately. I'm lactose intolerant too so I shouldn't have eaten it in the first place! The only thing dairy I can have now is cheese.

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Postby krausy on Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:34 pm

A diet club is a perfect idea----keeps everyone motivated and informed for sure!!!!

I'm with Gods----at my high school we had no soda machines, snack machines, etc (that was for the teachers and the machines were in their lounge anyway). We had what was on the line for that day and that was it, unless you brought it from home. I remember they offered salads everyday, but they also had pizza everyday, and cheeseburgers, and some people ate that EVERYDAY, which is crazy. I guess we were very lucky that we had some authorities in our cafeteria program that saw the importance in offering fresh salads, fruit and low fat milk as well as the "junk".

Yeah, I can't believe that what they serve kids nowadays---that is an absolute sin!!!!!

Kera, the weight lifting is excellent---it is a balance activity to your walking, and once you develop muscle it burns ALOT of fat!!!!!!!! I have also heard lately that if one is going to eat sugar, that the best time to do that is right after a workout---I guess the logic in this is that your metabolism is at it's highest level right after exercise, so if you eat something "bad", it will not get stored. I don't know---kinda sounds like BS to me, as far as the eating sugar, that is.

Borderline diabetes is not fun, but at least it is a viable excuse that you can use to "psych" out yourself to cut down or out the sugar, etc. That is what I do with my borderline high blood pressure---if I don't stay lean and sensible about my food and exercise and stress, then I die---simple as that!!!!
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Postby Silver Moon on Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:02 pm

I usually spend a half an hour on weight training, and anywhere from 45 minuts to an hour and fifteen minutes on cardio. I have yet to use an elliptical. I call those the self-torture-device... And they really are! Anyway, I read somewhere that after you do serious excersize it increases your metabolism for at least 72 hours afterwards.

At our school lunch is only just barely 20 minutes long because there is 5 of them (I pity the poor sap who gets 5th lunch...) But because of that most people munch in class all day, or walk around the halls munching, most kids will bring in a whole bag of doritos and polish it off by the end of the day. Then sneak out of class to get a Cherry Coke and a Honey Bun. It's insane!!

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Postby godisinthesilences on Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:40 am

I don't believe that BS about sugar either, krausy...LOL

I just read the other day that real walking outside or around an inside track is much better for your body than an elliptical machine. It is better for your joints as it keeps them stronger and is better for your core muscle group. So, you keep up your walking routine. I used to walk 6 miles a day. Plus, I did another hour or so of other workouts. Man, I was in good shape then.... of course i didn't have a job cause it took 3 hours for my workout. LOL
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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:05 am

I don't have any strict diet except for mediterranean diet.
I eat salads, meat, fish , vegetables , pulses, fruit , pasta etc... It's very varied and complete.

Now I usually have lunch everyday at home, but we had the same type of food at college and school.

I love sugar, candys , ice creams etc. I don't think they are bad if you eat them in the appropriate amounts. The same with hamburgers or any kind of fast food. Anybody can eat an hamburger some time, but eating it everyday it's crazy!!
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Postby krausy on Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:51 pm

You hit the nail on the head about fast food. If you get so busy in your schedule that you rely on fast food for 75% or more of your daily meals, it is a recipe for failure. That was part of my problem for a while when I worked two jobs (about 70 hours a week) plus look after my elderly parents at the time. Anything acquired fast or cooked fast (which usually meant is was "processed") was the winner, but it is a losing battle of the bulge.

Thankfully now my schedule is more sane and I was able to get back into my good habits.
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