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Postby lastgoldstar on Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:59 am

Welcome, Christophe! :)

Wow, thank you for the information! I'm definitely going to have to buy this.
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Postby Savoy on Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:02 pm

heartofdavid wrote:
Silver Moon wrote:That's cool you're a slash writer!! What's your favorite pairing? hehe...

Oh yes, Do you know where I can see the cover of this Allan manga- Sounds... Interesting... Ok- Off to scan!
I write Duran, Japan and crossover slash. I also like to use OCs (other characters), sometimes in a pairing and sometimes as a supporting character. To write, my favorite pairing for Duran slash is Simon/Nick, David/Mick for Japan, and David/Nick for crossover.

I just posted the "Allan" cover, it's a small pic.

Is it wrong that I'm really curious about this "yaoi" scene and your Mick/David... ummm... "fiction"? :smt083

(Mick or David, if you ever read this, so sorry.)
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Postby heartofdavid on Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:04 am

Savoy wrote:Is it wrong that I'm really curious about this "yaoi" scene and your Mick/David... ummm... "fiction"? :smt083

(Mick or David, if you ever read this, so sorry.)

Why would it be wrong?

If you're really interested, I co-moderate a community on livejournal called japan_stories ( The stories posted there range in ratings from G to NC-17 and all of them are slash (male/male relationships), except for one that I wrote called "Time Spent", a long heterosexual story which is the first fanfic I ever wrote.

It's a small community, 35 members but only 3 writers. If you would care to join and read the stories, you need to have a livejournal account and must be 17 or older. The latter is due to a requirement by livejournal for any community that contains adult material. Stories rated R or NC-17 are locked posts and can only be read by members.

There's an index of stories by author on the user info page; I write under the same name I use here.

I would recommend all the stories there, but some by me that you might enjoy are:
"Obscure Alternatives" - a thriller pairing David/Mick, it also has Rich and Steve in it, contains a few graphic scenes. (NC-17). It's a fairly long story and among the first that I wrote.
"A Silence So Rare" - Rated PG, a short story, I can't really say anything about it without giving away the plot. ;)
"Enlightenment" - short, angsty piece with David/Mick, slightly graphic, rated R.
"Nowhere to Run" - a long story with David and Steve as young teenagers, it's slashy only in subtext. It's about the brothers and a difficult problem they face. It's rated PG-13.

I have more stories at this community, several of them crossovers with characters from Japan and Duran.

I don't think any of the guys (if they ever read these stories) would be upset or embarrassed by them. I think many of the writers I know write very good stories with strong plots and well portrayed characters. The interest is in writing well, that's primary. :) I've heard from good authority in one instance that David was amused; they are aware that fanfiction is written about them.

I also write and post stories at duran_stories on livejournal, same thing about the index and membership requirements. That community is quite large, I think about 240 members with more than 30 writers.

Apologies for the long babble.
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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:44 am

Thanks a lot for the info!! I'm a lj member , so I'll check them out!! Although I haven't wrote a fanfiction since I was 11 or 12 years old!! :lol: But I would love to read that stories!!
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Postby heartofdavid on Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:11 pm

Great! I hope you join the community and enjoy the stories. :)

I didn't start writing fanfic until 2004, already in my 40s, although I knew about it for a long time. A friend (Ladyxenax, the moderator of japan_stories) encouraged me to try my hand at it.

I prefer writing slash fanfic rather than het fanfic because I've found the slash stories (in most fanfdoms) to be better written. I think most of the het fanfics I've read are boring with uninteresting plots and two-dimensional characters. Not all of them, there are certainly very good het fanfics out there.

I also find it a challenge to write from a male perspective, particularly a gay perspective, trying to put myself in that mindset and understand the feelings and issues involved.
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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:26 pm

That's great. I definetely have to check those out.
Maybe some day I'll dare to write one myself , though I think it'll be easier if I write it on my own language first and then translate it!! :-)
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Postby heartofdavid on Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:39 pm

Many of the writers at both communities are from countries where English is not the first language. For myself and the two other writers at japan_stories, English is not our first language; Ladyxenax is from Russia, Maldeluxx is from Finland and I'm from the States but didn't learn English until I started school here at 5 years old.

None of that detracts from the writing, I don't think. In fact, I think it adds a particular, unique style to the individual writer's stories. Each of us does have a beta, so that does help obviously in assisting with editing, content or both, whatever's needed.
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