JBK-interview with Barcodezine (1999)

Interviews with the band and ex-members

JBK-interview with Barcodezine (1999)

Postby Quiet Visitor on Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:19 pm

Just noticed an old interview with Mick and Steve was posted on the Mick Karn-forum. It's with the Barcodezine-site and it's from 1999. I haven't seen it posted before (at least the Search-option didn't give any result).
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Re: JBK-interview with Barcodezine (1999)

Postby inkinthewell on Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:55 am

Question: I was always curious to find out who out of the band had the determination to get things moving in the right direction, David seems the more shy retiring type, almost forced to be the front man, therefore was it a collective effort in every sense or did David lead the way?
Answer (SJ): David was more the front man than anyone else in the band - nothing less would’ve satisfied his desire to be noticed.
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