krausy wrote:Then later at night, driving home from work, I recall a few times listening to "I surrender" or "Wanderlust" and look at the stars and roll the window halfway down and feel the night air.............and imagine I am being serenaded by him or better yet, being danced under the moonlight.......
Aww! I do the same thing- We frequently get storms around here, so if I'm driving around at night- Chances are there is a storm in the distance... And I like to pop in "Before the Bullfight" and roll down the window and watch the lightning!
krausy wrote:...........and speaking of "Silver Moon", that song brings the waterworks every time!!!!! It is just one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life..
Agreed. Hence- the name
krausy wrote:It is all like a drug whose fix is irresistable!!!! It definitely lifts my mood when I really need it. I sometimes allow things to get to me too much, and get really stressed out. This last year I have dealt with family issues, with a lot of changes occuring, and it has been difficult to convince myself that everything will be alright and that I am doing the right things, and having music to turn to, to clear my head and reassure me that everything WILL be alright, has helped tremendously. I suppose in my life it is what I have always turned to, instead of alcohol, or drugs, or bad relationships to get me through.
EXACTLY!! If only people who get involved with those things would realize there are other things out there that don't harm you that are so so SO much better!! Whether it's sports, films, music, art, or whatever!