Sylvian and Social Media

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Sylvian and Social Media

Postby missouriman on Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:33 pm

DS took down his Facebook page today and on his Twitter page a tweet said he will no longer be using it.

The trolls continue to hound and bay for his blood. He won't be allowed to be retired as morons continually post idiotic pleas to tour remote shit hole spots and refuse to accept his retirement. On Twitter (the black hole of communication) morons post stupid pictures in response to his concerns and tell him to stop talking.

What a hive of scum and villainy.

**** Could we at least be allowed to use some profanity here? The replacement of s=h=i=t with doodie ball is so juvenile and I think a rule set by the original website creator. We are adults here not kids.
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby Blemished on Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:28 pm

Hi Missouriman. As far as the profanity filter goes, it seems to be programmed in - probably some IT person's attempt at humour...if I get a chance I will see if I can turn it off.

A shame to see his social media go - I liked the photos and some of the insight into his point of view. But I never really felt that it was the right place for someone as private as him - especially as it does open him to requests of the kind you mention. I suppose that's the price he pays for his origins as a pop star. Would be different if he had started off like many of the people he has worked with latterly. Dai Fujikura and Taylor Deupree tweet happily away without having to deal with what DS does. I felt his online presence was best when it was around his site - with the regular photo updates and occasional news but no access point.

Do you really think / know that he has retired? He has certainly made oblique comments to that effect in twitter replies. Maybe he doesn't know himself and he's waiting to see if something draws him back? I don't know if it would be better if he formally announced it - and forces his audience to accept that the body of work is complete - or better if he says nothing and leaves the door open...
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby Blemished on Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:35 pm

Fixed that for you - profanity word replacement is gone
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby missouriman on Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:00 pm

Blemished wrote:Fixed that for you - profanity word replacement is gone

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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby Blemished on Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:39 pm

And of course, David being David, the tweet about no longer tweeting has gone and the Facebook site is back!

Just to add to earlier comment, his social media comments have been intriguing given that there has been little news otherwise (I don't think he's been interviewed since 2012?) - the medical issues, smoking again, letting rip at Napier-Bell, spending so much time in Germany/Berlin, the Soundcloud saga... Also his intense anger at the mistreatment of women that the Weinstein scandal has surfaced and the support for Colin Kaepernick.

I would be interested to hear what people think about his possible retirement. Were it confirmed, I would feel sad for the lost Implausible Beauty tour - which would have been amazing I think - and for the unfinished music that is clearly sitting on some hard drive somewhere.
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby javier on Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:47 am

Blemished wrote:Fixed that for you - profanity word replacement is gone

Fucking excellent news!
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby javier on Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:51 am

Blemished wrote:... the medical issues, smoking again, letting rip at Napier-Bell, spending so much time in Germany/Berlin...

Where are you seeing this information? He announced that he's smoking? Spending time in Berlin?
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby ob8 on Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:36 pm

I don't think any fan of David would be happy in any way should his retirement be confirmed. I don't how that could be confirmed either as David seems to be zig zagging all over the show. I don't use the Social Media sites myself but i did like the fact that he is at least engaging with his fans/followers in some shape or form. Slightly worrying for me is his inconsistency with what he seems to be posting. I always took what he said to be gospel and felt that he never deviated from his path. Like in his musical direction, he did what he wanted to do with no regard for anything else. A quality that has endeared him to me immeasurably and his standards have influenced my standards.

I would feel pretty much the same (if it is true) as i did when Bowie passed. I was sad but also happy at the same time that he had an amazing body of work which i have enjoyed immensely and has enriched my life in so many positive ways just beyond the act of listening to music. I like many on here have a differing opinion on his work and in particular his recent work but for me David has earned the right to do what he wants and i have had the absolute honour to be there as a fan and to follow his work all of my adult life. I won't always like what he does but i like him for doing what he wants.

Of course i long to hear these pieces that are waiting in the wings (i hope) and i remain positive that hopefully one day we will get to hear them. His voice and this words are to me beyond comparison and together they are unparalleled. They are a gift that needs to be used in my opinion. Beautiful Country is not his greatest piece by a long shot but the piece was an oasis in a desert for all of us. Or most of us at least !

David and his music has had such a positive affect on us all that i would really like that to carry on. If it doesn't carry i will be thankful to him forever that i was privileged and aboard for the ride. I believe rightly or wrongly that his talent will draw him back again as long as he wants to express himself. Music has been so cathartic for him and so positive that i hope it can do the same for him in the future.

I don't expect anything now so anything will be a bonus. Well except Schoolhouse :shock: Sorry couldn't resist !!
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby inkinthewell on Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:09 pm

ob8 wrote:I won't always like what he does but i like him for doing what he wants.


About his possible retirement: I don't know how seriously this has to be taken, even if he should confirm it. He's not an athlete that will have physical limits, so, even if he feels he has nothing more to say at this moment, or has no more interest in music, he can change his mind any time.
I'll be waiting...
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby Tin Bird on Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:28 pm

I won't always like what he does but i like him for doing what he wants.

Yes. me too.
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby Foales Arishes on Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:10 am

I am not a fan of social media sites, and don't use them myself, but I am enjoying some of DS's recent tweets... wry and stark though they may be, I like the humor alongside the more disturbing social commentary.

And on that note... I hope 2018 is a good year for the few of us here :)
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby Tin Bird on Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:30 pm

Thanks Foales... I hope 2018 is a good year for the few of us here :) I hope so too...
Will say that I pretty much avoid all of the social media and political talk these's too crazy and toxic for me to even process most of the time. People just shooting from the hip in every direction... I find these times depressing, scary, and nerve racking. I hope some level of normalcy and sense returns soon. Peace.
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby javier on Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:23 am

Here's to the next 12 months and the as-yet-unimagined adventures they may bring.

May everyone be happy.
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby inkinthewell on Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:11 pm

Thanks to everybody! Hoping 2018 will carry some positive surprises for all. :D
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Re: Sylvian and Social Media

Postby natsume on Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:10 am

Wishing our small group well this year!
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